Meteor Scripting Functions
void createExplosion(vector2 pos, float radius, int damage, int ownerID)
Create an in-game explosion (server only).
createExplosion(getPos(getPlayer()), 20, 50, getPlayer());
Cannot run on client.
void fade(string text, float fadedSeconds, bool instantFadeOut)
Fades out the screen, displays a message and fades back in.
fade("Later that day...", 3, false);
fade("", 2, true);
Only affects the local computer.
Player controls are disabled while fading and while faded.
bool getCinematicBarsEnabled()
Gets whether the cinematic bars are enabled.
print("Cinematic bars are enabled.");
print("Cinematic bars are disabled.");
void setCinematicBarsEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets whether the cinematic bars are enabled.
Only affects the local player.
Player controls are disabled while cinematic bars are enabled.
Generated on the 15 May 2024 at 09:00:40 (UK Time)