Meteor Scripting Functions
vector2 getPos(int objectID)
Get the position of a unit or player.
print("Player pos: " + getPos(getPlayer()));
void setPos(int objectID, vector2 pos)
Set the position of a unit or player.
setPos(getPlayer(), vector2(100, 100));
Server/single player can move any unit or player.
Multiplayer client can only move the local player.
float getDir(int objectID)
Get the direction of a unit or player in the range 0-360.
print("Player direction: " + getDir(getPlayer()));
void setDir(int objectID, float dir)
Set the direction of a unit or player in the range 0-360.
setDir(getPlayer(), 180);
Server/single player can set any unit or player direction.
Multiplayer client can only set the the local player direction.
Generated on the 15 May 2024 at 09:00:40 (UK Time)