Meteor Scripting Functions
vector2 getScreenSize()
Get the screen size in pixels
print("Screen size is " + getScreenSize().x + " by " + getScreenSize().y);
print("Screen size is " + SCREEN_W + " by " + SCREEN_H);
Two static float variables SCREEN_W and SCREEN_H are also available.
void screenToWorld(vector2 screenPos)
Convert screen pixel coordinates to a world position.
print(screenToWorld(vector2(SCREEN_W * 0.5, SCREEN_H * 0.5)));
Result may be outside of world/map bounds.
void worldToScreen(vector2 screenPos)
Convert a world position to screen pixel coordinates.
Result may be outside of screen bounds.
void gameMessage(string text, string soundName)
Show a game message.
gameMessage("You need a key or something", "");
gameMessage("What was that?", "battle");
Leave soundName empty to use the default message sound.
void drawText(vector2 pos, string text, string colour, bool outline, int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Draws UI text to the screen for the current frame.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
drawText(vector2(100,100), "Hello World!", "#FFFFFF", true, FONT_STANDARD, 20);
Call from onUpdate event to draw every frame.
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
Use outline to make the text easier to read.
Valid fonts are: FONT_STANDARD (Default font), FONT_UAV (UAV style font) or FONT_MONO (Mono/fixed character width font).
void fontHeight(int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Get the height of a font.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
int font = FONT_STANDARD;
int fontSize = 20;
vector2 drawPos = vector2(100, 100);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
drawText(drawPos, "This is line " + (i+1), "#FFFFFF", true, font, fontSize);
drawPos.y += fontHeight(font, fontSize);
void textWidth(string text, int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Get the width of a string of text in pixels.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
int font = FONT_UAV;
int fontSize = 15;
string text = "I am in the middle of the screen";
vector2 drawPos = vector2(
(SCREEN_W - textWidth(text, font, fontSize)) * 0.5,
(SCREEN_H - fontHeight(font, fontSize)) * 0.5 );
drawText(drawPos, text, "#FFFFFF", true, font, fontSize);
void addHint(string hintID, number duration, vector2 position, string text)
Show a hint on the screen at specified position.
addHint(generateHintID(), 5, vector2(100, 100), "Hello World!");
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
addHint("Pos_Hint", 0, vector2(10, 10), getPos(getPlayer()));
A hint is a white translucent rectangle containing a line of text and has a drop shadow.
Hints can be used as mouse over tooltips or for simply displaying text.
hintID is a unique string ID of the hint, use generateHintID() to if you prefer generate a unique ID automatically.
text can be updated by calling addHint again with the same hintID.
duration is the number of seconds until hint expires (is removed).
duration is clamped between 0 and 30 seconds.
Hints automatically scroll to fully visible on the screen.
void removeHint(string hintID)
Remove a hint by hintID.
string hintID = generateHintID();
addHint(hintID, 30, vector2(100, 100), "Hello World!");
string generateHintID()
Generates a unique ID for use with addHint and removeHint
void drawRectangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle using absolute coordinates.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
drawRectangle(10, 10, 110, 110, "#00000080", true);
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
void drawRectangleWH(float x1, float y1, float w, float h, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified top-left position, width and height.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
drawRectangleWH(10, 10, 100, 100, "#00000080", true);
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
void drawRectangleWHCentred(vector2 centrePos, vector2 totalSize, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified centre position and size.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
drawRectangleWHCentred(vector2(60, 60), vector2(100, 100), "#00000080", true);
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
void drawLine(vector2 point1, vector2 point2, string colour, float thickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified centre position and size.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
drawLine(vector2(0, 0), vector2(SCREEN_W - 1, SCREEN_H -1), "#FF0000");
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
int getSpriteNumber(string spriteFilename)
Resolve a sprite filename to a sprite number.
Returns -1 if the sprite file was not found.
Sprite numbers are local only.
int getSpriteFramesCount(int spriteNumber)
Get the number of frames in a sprite.
int spriteNumber = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");
Returns 0 if the sprite file was not found.
vector2 getSpriteFrameSize(int spriteNumber, int frameNumber)
Get the size of a sprite frame in pixels.
int spriteNumber = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");
print(getSpriteFrameSize(spriteNumber, 0));
Returns 0,0 if the sprite file or frame was not found.
void drawSprite(vector2 pos, int spriteNumber, float angle=0, vector2 scale=vector2(1,1))
Draw a sprite to the screen UI.
int spriteAirScout = 0;
float airScoutSpriteAngle = 0;
void onWorldStart()
spriteAirScout = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
if(spriteAirScout != -1)
airScoutSpriteAngle += (deltaTime * 100);
drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.5, spriteAirScout);
drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.3, spriteAirScout, airScoutSpriteAngle);
drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.7, spriteAirScout, 360 - airScoutSpriteAngle, vector2(3,3));
The sprite will animate automatically.
void drawSpriteFrame(vector2 pos, int spriteNumber, int frameNumber, float angle=0, vector2 scale=vector2(1,1), string colour="#FFFFFF")
Draw a sprite frame to the screen UI.
int spriteAirScout = 0;
void onWorldStart()
spriteAirScout = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
if(spriteAirScout != -1)
drawSpriteFrame(mousePos(), spriteAirScout, 0, 180, vector2(1, 1), "#FFFFFF80");
drawSpriteFrame(mousePos(), spriteAirScout, 0);
Useful to drawing user created UI resources such as buttons or icons where images are grouped into sprite files (e.g. buttons.spr or icons.spr).
angle, scale and colour are optional.
bool showStringInputDialog(string& value, int maxLen, string prompt)
Show a string input dialog.
string text = "";
if(showStringInputDialog(text, 32, "Enter some text"))
print("You entered \"" + text + "\"");
print("You pressed Cancel");
result is false if the user pressed No/Cancel.
text is passed a string reference and is set by the function, unfortunately it is not possible to pass an initial value.
bool showConfirmDialog(string prompt)
Show a confirmation dialog.
if(showConfirmDialog("Do you want a hoverboard?"))
giveItem(getPlayer(), "Hoverboard", 1);
void showTextViewer(string filenameOrData, bool isFile, string caption)
Display text from a file or from a single string.
showTextViewer("help\\gamekeys.txt", true, "Keys Help");
string text =
"This is line 1\n" +
"This is line 2\n" +
"This is line 3\n" +
"This is line 4\n" +
"\"This is in quotes\"\n";
showTextViewer(text, false, "Window Title");
filenameOrData is either a filename (must be relative to the base/mod folder root) or actual text.
isFile must be set to true if filenameOrData is a file or false if filenameOrData is actual text.
caption is the window title.
Generated on the 15 May 2024 at 09:00:40 (UK Time)