Meteor 2 uses a client/server system meaning that one machine (the server) runs the game whereas the other players (clients) are basically kept in sync.
In order for a server to operate the clients must be able to connect via a clear network route, this can often require a little setting up because of home routers/shared gateways etc.
Setting up an Internet Server Behind a Router
Firewalls are the number one problem with Meteor 2 multiplayer connectivity, obviously firewalls are also essential (more so if you are not using a router). I never recommend to anybody to disable their firewall in order the play Meteor 2.
Some home users with routers don't use firewalls. Obviously users with modem (non router) connections tend to rely on firewalls as their computers are connected directly to the Internet.
Setting up a Software Firewall on a Server
Windows Firewall
ENet is a networking library which was developed and made freely available by Lee Salzman. ENet provides stable & reliable UDP based network code for use in multiplayer games or any other networked applications.
The table below outlines the basic pros and cons for the TCP and UDP protocols.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) | UDP (User Datagram Protocol) |
ENet Provides: