Meteor 2 Scripting Functions
void setDrawLayer(int layer)
Set the current drawing layer.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
    // draw transparent red box to LAYER_LIGHT_EFFECTS layer
    drawRectangleWH(10, 10, 100, 100, colToHtml(255,0,0,128), true);

Use setDefaultDrawLayer() to revert back to default layer.
Valid layers are:
LAYER_UI (default)

See also
setDefaultDrawLayer getDrawLayer

void setDefaultDrawLayer()
Set the current drawing layer back to default.

See also
setDrawLayer getDrawLayer

int getDrawLayer()
Get the current drawing layer.

See also
setDrawLayer setDefaultDrawLayer

void drawText(vector2 pos, string text, string colour, bool outline, int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Draws UI text to the screen for the current frame.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw red white size 20 text at screen position 100, 100
        drawText(vector2(100,100), "Hello World!", "#FFFFFF", true, FONT_STANDARD, 20);

Call from onUpdate event to draw every frame.
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
Use outline to make the text easier to read.
Valid fonts are: FONT_STANDARD (Default font), FONT_UAV (UAV style font) or FONT_MONO (Mono/fixed character width font).

See also
getFontHeight getTextWidth

int getDefaultFontSize(int fontNumber)
Get the default/native point size a font.

print("Default font sizes");
print("Standard: " + getDefaultFontSize(FONT_STANDARD));
print("Mono: " + getDefaultFontSize(FONT_MONO));
print("UAV: " + getDefaultFontSize(FONT_UAV));

See also
drawText getTextWidth

void getFontHeight(int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Get the height of a font in pixels.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        int font = FONT_STANDARD;
        int fontSize = getDefaultFontSize(FONT_STANDARD);

        vector2 drawPos = vector2(100, 100);

        for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
            drawText(drawPos, "This is line " + (i+1), "#FFFFFF", true, font, fontSize);
            // move down one line
            drawPos.y += getFontHeight(font, fontSize);

See also
drawText getDefaultFontSize getTextWidth

void getTextWidth(string text, int fontNumber, int fontSize)
Get the width of a string of text in pixels.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        int font = FONT_UAV;
        int fontSize = getDefaultFontSize(FONT_UAV);

        string text = "I am in the middle of the screen";

        vector2 drawPos = vector2(
            (SCREEN_W - getTextWidth(text, font, fontSize)) * 0.5,
            (SCREEN_H - getFontHeight(font, fontSize)) * 0.5 );

        drawText(drawPos, text, "#FFFFFF", true, font, fontSize);

See also
drawText getDefaultFontSize getFontHeight

void drawRectangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle using absolute coordinates.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw 100 by 100 transparent black rectangle near upper left corner
        drawRectangle(10, 10, 110, 110, "#00000080", true);

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

See also
drawRectangleWH drawRectangleWHCentred

void drawRectangleWH(vector2 topLeftPos, vector2 totalSize, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified top-left position and width/height.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw 200 by 100 transparent black rectangle near upper left corner
        drawRectangleWH(vector2(10, 10), vector2(200, 100), "#00000080", true);

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

See also
drawRectangle drawRectangleWHCentred

void drawRectangleWHCentred(vector2 centrePos, vector2 totalSize, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified centre position and size.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw 100 by 100 transparent black rectangle near upper left corner
        drawRectangleWHCentred(vector2(60, 60), vector2(100, 100), "#00000080", true);

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

See also
drawRectangle drawRectangleWH drawRectangleRotated

void drawRectangleRotated(vector2 centrePos, vector2 totalSize, float angle, string colour, bool fill, float outlineThickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified centre position and size with rotation.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw 100 by 100 transparent black rectangle rotated at 45 degrees near upper left corner
        drawRectangleRotated(vector2(60, 60), vector2(100, 100), , 45, "#00000080", true);

See also

void drawTriangle(vector2 point1, vector2 point2, vector2 point3, string colour, float thickness=2)
Draw a triangle at the specified positions.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw a green outline triangle
        drawTriangle(vector2(100, 0), vector2(200, 200), vector2(0, 200), "#00FF00", false);

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

void drawCircleCentred(vector2 centrePos, float radius, string colour, bool fill, float thickness=2)
Draw a circle at the specified centre position.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        drawCircleCentred(vector2(100, 0), vector2(200, 200), vector2(0, 200), "#00FF00", false);

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

void drawLine(vector2 point1, vector2 point2, string colour, float thickness=2)
Draw a rectangle at the specified centre position and size.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        // draw a red line from top-left to bottom right corner.
        drawLine(vector2(0, 0), vector2(SCREEN_W - 1, SCREEN_H -1), "#FF0000");

colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).

int getSpriteNumber(string spriteFilename)
Resolve a sprite filename to a sprite number.


Returns -1 if the sprite file was not found.
Sprite numbers are local only.

See also
getSpriteFramesCount getSpriteFrameSize drawSprite drawSpriteFrame

int getSpriteFramesCount(int spriteNumber)
Get the number of frames in a sprite.

int spriteNumber = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");

Returns 0 if the sprite file was not found.

See also
getSpriteNumber getSpriteFrameSize drawSprite drawSpriteFrame

vector2 getSpriteFrameSize(int spriteNumber, int frameNumber)
Get the size of a sprite frame in pixels.

int spriteNumber = getSpriteNumber("ASCOUT.SPR");
print(getSpriteFrameSize(spriteNumber, 0));

Returns 0,0 if the sprite file or frame was not found.

See also
getSpriteNumber getSpriteFramesCount drawSprite drawSpriteFrame

void drawSprite(vector2 pos, int spriteNumber, float angle=0, vector2 scale=vector2(1,1))
Draw a sprite to the screen UI.

int spriteArrow = 0;
float arrowSpriteAngle = 0;

void onWorldStart()
    // it is faster not to resolve this every frame
    spriteArrow = getSpriteNumber("objects\\arrow.spr");

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        if(spriteArrow != -1)
            arrowSpriteAngle += (deltaTime * 100);

            // draw sprite in middle of screen
            drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.5, spriteArrow);

            // draw rotated sprite to upper left of screen
            drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.3, spriteArrow, arrowSpriteAngle);

            // draw rotated scaled sprite to lower right of screen
            drawSprite(getScreenSize() * 0.7, spriteArrow, 360 - arrowSpriteAngle, vector2(3,3));

The sprite will animate automatically.

See also
getSpriteNumber getSpriteFramesCount getSpriteFrameSize drawSpriteFrame drawImage

void drawSpriteFrame(vector2 pos, int spriteNumber, int frameNumber, float angle=0, vector2 scale=vector2(1,1), string colour="#FFFFFF")
Draw a sprite frame to the screen UI.

int spriteArrow = -1;

void onWorldStart()
    // it is faster not to resolve this every frame
    spriteArrow = getSpriteNumber("objects\\arrow.spr");

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        if(spriteArrow != -1)
                // draw frame 0 rotated and using transparency if right mouse button is held
                drawSpriteFrame(mousePos(), spriteArrow, 0, 180, vector2(1, 1), "#FFFFFF80");
                // draw frame 0 normally
                drawSpriteFrame(mousePos(), spriteArrow, 0);

Use to draw a single sprite frame without animation.
angle, scale and colour are optional.

See also
getSpriteNumber getSpriteFramesCount getSpriteFrameSize drawSprite drawImage

int getImageNumber(string imageFilename)
Resolve a image filename to a sprite number.


Image filenames are specified inside ini files in the graphics\ folder (e.g. for imageName=objects\arrow01_01.png use objects\\arrow01_01.png)
Returns -1 if the image file was not found.
Image numbers are local only.

See also

vector2 getImageSize(int imageNumber)
Get the size of an image in pixels.

int imageNumber = getImageNumber("objects\\arrow01_01.png");
print(getImageSize(imageNumber, 0));

Returns 0,0 if the image file was not found.

See also
getImageNumber drawImage

void drawImage(vector2 pos, int imageNumber, float angle=0, vector2 scale=vector2(1,1), string colour="#FFFFFF")
Draw an image from the graphics\ folder to the screen UI.

int imageArrow = -1;

void onWorldStart()
    // it is faster not to resolve this every frame
    imageArrow = getImageNumber("objects\\arrow01_01.png");

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
        if(imageArrow != -1)
                // draw image rotated and using transparency if right mouse button is held
                drawImage(mousePos(), imageArrow, 180, vector2(1, 1), "#FFFFFF80");
                // draw image normally
                drawImage(mousePos(), imageArrow);

Use to draw a image directly name or draw an image that does not have a sprite.
angle, scale and colour are optional.

See also
getImageNumber getImageSize drawSprite drawSpriteFrame

void drawCrtEffectOverlay()
Draw CRT effect overlay.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)

Use to draw a CRT effect overlay with lines between pixels.

See also
drawScopeEffectOverlay drawMonitorEffectOverlay

void drawScopeEffectOverlay()
Draw scope effect overlay.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
    drawScopeOverlay(vector2(SCREEN_W * 0.5f, SCREEN_H * 0.5f), SCREEN_H * 0.5f);

Use to draw a black background with a hole to simulate looking down a scope.

See also
drawCrtEffectOverlay drawMonitorEffectOverlay

void drawMonitorEffectOverlay()
Draw monitor effect overlay.

void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
    drawMonitorEffectOverlay(getMousePos(), vector2(SCREEN_W * 0.5f, SCREEN_H * 0.5f));

Use to draw a black background with a rectangular hole to simulate looking at a monitor/screen.

See also
drawCrtEffectOverlay drawScopeOverlay
