Meteor 2 Scripting Functions
void createExplosion(vector2 pos, float height, float radius, float damage, float armourPenetration, int ownerID)
Create an in-game explosion.
createExplosion(getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT), 0, 20, 100, 50, PLAYER_OBJECT);
createExplosion(getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT), getAirHeight(), 20, 100, 50, PLAYER_OBJECT);
armourPenetration is 0 to 100.
Can be called from server or client.
void fade(string text, float fadeOutSeconds, float fadedSeconds, float fadeInSeconds)
Fades out the screen, displays a message and fades back in.
fade("Later that day...", 1, 3, 1);
fade("", 0, 2, 2);
Only affects the local computer.
Player controls are disabled while fading and while faded.
void flash(float lifetime, string colour)
Light up the world for a short time.
flash(1, "#FFFFFF");
Only affects the local computer.
colour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).
Lifetime is in seconds.
bool getCinematicBarsEnabled()
Gets whether the cinematic bars are enabled.
print("Cinematic bars are enabled.");
print("Cinematic bars are disabled.");
void setCinematicBarsEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets whether the cinematic bars are enabled.
Only affects the local player.
Player controls are disabled while cinematic bars are enabled.
bool getMaxWildlifeDistance()
Get the maximum wildlife particle distance.
Wildlife particles further than this distance from the game window centre will be culled automatically.
void addWildlifeParticle(vector2 spawnPos, uint filenameHash)
Spawn a wildlife particle (e.g. insect or bird).
unsigned birdHash = createStringHashLowerCase("Wildlife_Bird01.ini");
vector2 playerPos = getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
addWildlifeParticle(playerPos, birdHash);
The particle filename is required as a hash for better performance. Use createStringHashLowerCase() to generate a filename hash once before any loops.
int getWildlifeParticleInstanceCount(uint filenameHash)
Get the current particles instance count of a willife particle type.
unsigned birdHash = createStringHashLowerCase("Wildlife_Bird01.ini");
int birdsCount = getWildlifeParticleInstanceCount(birdHash);
print("Birds count: " + birdsCount);
void addPlantParticle(vector2 spawnPos, uint filenameHash)
Spawn a plant particle (e.g. grass or flower).
unsigned grassHash = createStringHashLowerCase("Plant_Grass01.ini");
vector2 playerPos = getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
addPlantParticle(playerPos, grassHash);
The particle filename is required as a hash for better performance. Use createStringHashLowerCase() to generate a filename hash once before any loops.
int getPlantParticleInstanceCount(uint filenameHash)
Get the current particles instance count of a plant particle type.
unsigned grassHash = createStringHashLowerCase("Plant_Grass01.ini");
int grassHash = getPlantParticleInstanceCount(grassHash);
print("Grass count: " + birdsCount);
bool isAddFireFrame()
Determine if fire particles should be added this frame.
Fire particles can be added during any frame but this function provides a convenient way of timing them consistently.
void addFireParticle(vector2 pos, float maxSize, float height=0)
Add a fire particle.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
addFireParticle(getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT), 10);
bool isAddSmokeFrame()
Determine if smoke particles should be added this frame.
Smoke particles can be added during any frame but this function provides a convenient way of timing them consistently.
void addSmokeParticle(vector2 pos, float size, string smokeColour, float growRate=0.95, float decayRate=0.5)
Add a fire particle.
void onUpdate(float deltaTime)
addSmokeParticle(getPos(PLAYER_OBJECT), 10, "#A0A0A0");
smokeColour is specfified in HTML style ("#RRGGBB" hex values), colours may also contain 2 additional optional characters for alpha (e.g. "#FFFFFF80" is transparent white).