Meteor 2 Scripting Functions
bool getPdaOpen()
Deterine if the PDA tablet is currently open.
print("PDA is open");
print("PDA is not open");
void setPdaOpen(bool open)
Open or close the PDA tablet on the local computer.
bool addPdaMessage(string subject, string message, bool notify=false)
Add message to the PDA tablet on the local computer.
addPdaMessage("Test Message", "This is a test message\nThis is line 2");
If a message with the subject already exists then the message is not added.
This function does not open the PDA. Use setPdaOpen(true) to display the message immediately.
void loadPdaMessage(string sectionName, bool showPda=false, bool notify=false)
Load a PDA message from the current briefing file (MapName.txt).
addPdaMessage("my_message_id", true);
PDA messages are stored in MapName.txt (same name as current map with .txt extension).
For example:
subject=Subject here
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
void removePdaMessage(string subject)
Remove a message from the PDA tablet on the local computer.
removePdaMessage("Test Message");
void clearAllPdaMessages()
Remove all messages from the PDA tablet on the local computer.
float getPdaBatteryLevel()
Get the PDA battery level.
void setPdaBatteryLevel(float level)
Set the PDA battery level.
Setting the battery level to 0 will effectively disable the PDA.
The level is automatically clamped between 0 and 100.
bool getPdaSignalOn()
Get the PDA signal/uplink status.
void setPdaSignalOn(bool on)
Set the PDA signal/uplink status.
This affects signal status the icon shown within the PDA and is for visual effect only. The PDA will still function normally.