Meteor 2 Scripting Functions
vector2 getScreenSize()
Get the screen size in pixels
print("Screen size is " + getScreenSize().x + " by " + getScreenSize().y);
print("Screen size is " + SCREEN_W + " by " + SCREEN_H);
Two static float variables SCREEN_W and SCREEN_H are also available.
void screenToWorld(vector2 screenPos)
Convert screen pixel coordinates to a world position.
print(screenToWorld(vector2(SCREEN_W * 0.5, SCREEN_H * 0.5)));
Result may be outside of world/map bounds.
void worldToScreen(vector2 screenPos)
Convert a world position to screen pixel coordinates.
Result may be outside of screen bounds.
float getWorldRenderScale()
Get the current world render scale (zoom level).
string colToHTML(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
Convert a unsigned byte colour in the format RGBA to HTML style string.
void gameMessage(string text)
Display a game message (local only).
gameMessage("This is a game message");
void introMessage(string text)
Display an intro message (local only).
introMessage("This is a intro message");
Intro messages are displayed near the bottom of the screen and fade out after around 8 seconds.
void messageBox(string text)
Display a message box (local only).
messageBox("This is a message box");
bool confirmBox(string text)
Display a confirmation box with message (local only).
if(confirmBox("Are you sure?"))
print("You are sure");
bool stringInputBox(string str, int maxLen, string message)
Display a string input box with message (local only).
string name = "";
if(stringInputBox(name, 32, "Enter your name"))
print("Your name is " + name);
bool createToolbar(int toolbarNumber, string title, vector2 screenPos, bool docked)
Create a toolbar ( (local only).
createToolbar(0, "Test Toolbar", vector2(10, 10), false);
toolbarNumber should simply be unique number that refers to this toolbar.
docked toolbars cannot be moved.
See base\maps\examples\ for a working example.
void deleteToolbar(int toolbarNumber, bool localOnly)
Delete a toolbar and all associated buttons (local only).
void addToolbarButton(int toolbarNumber, string caption, string imageFilename, string triggerText)
Add a button to an existing toolbar (local only).
addToolbarButton(0, "Sheep", "objects\\sheep01_01.png", "print(\"You pressed the sheep button\");");
toolbarNumber is the unique toolbar number to add the button to.
imageFilename must be image filename from within an INI file from the images folder.
void addToolbarSeparator(int toolbarNumber)
Add a separator to an existing toolbar (local only).
Open specified interaction menu.
Generated on the 23 November 2024 at 08:20:44 (UK Time)